
What Is About:blank#blocked When I Open A Png Document

It wasn't and then long ago that Microsoft finally withdrew all support for Internet Explorer. I only mention it because information technology was one of the commencement browsers to adopt a bare page as its habitation page. In fact, if you didn't specify a homepage for Internet Explorer, information technology would apply the nearly:blank page as the default.

All the same, what if you're encountering an about:blank page on your Chromium or Mozilla (Quantum or Gecko) based browser. Is information technology cause for alarm? How exercise you remove it? This guide will provide y'all with the answers to these questions.

What Is the About Blank Page?

Equally nosotros've implied in the introduction, the near: blank page was the original home page for most browsers. This was before speed dials and special get-go pages. Because dorsum in the twenty-four hour period, most browser developers didn't know what to utilise equally a domicile or start page, they used the near:blank page.

Funny enough, this was still true for Internet Explorer 11. If you did not specify a habitation or start page, it would automatically assign the nearly:blank page. The "about:" prefix is/was used to access internal browser pages.

For instance, Firefox allows you to access its settings by typing nigh:preferences and its advanced settings by typing nigh:config. You can use both to solve the "a web folio is slowing downwards your browser" error.

Then, the nigh:blank web page acts as an internal "ghost" page devoid of whatsoever content. In most cases, in that location is no cause for alert. But at that place are rare instances when yous should worry.

How Does the Almost Blank Page Look?

These days, almost browsers (except for google) don't display the about:blank URL in the address bar. Both the accost bar text-field and main web page panel volition exist presented as blank. However, the tab proper noun will read as Blank Page. This is how you identify the nearly:blank page.

about blank page

About Blank Page a Virus?

In essence, the nearly:blank is harmless, and information technology has a purpose. Even so, in some instances, information technology may indeed be an indicator of an ongoing browser issue (or a resolved one). Sometimes when your browser (especially if it's a legacy browser) isn't able to display a web folio, information technology may divert you to the nigh:bare page.

Sometimes, a corrupted browser may randomly redirect you to this page. Browser corruption may occur from some wayward experimentation on your office or malware tampering with the browser's configuration files.

It's less probable to happen these days equally mod browsers are far more secure than their predecessors. But if you find that your home or start page is fix as about:blank, there are a few things you tin can do to fix this.

How to Fix Nigh Bare

If your browser is behaving strangely and redirecting y'all to pages like about:blank, the commencement thing you need to practice is find any malware or software that may be causing your browser to act erratically.

You can use Windows Security or any other anti-virus tool to scan your reckoner.

Google Chrome

Google Chrome too has an in-congenital characteristic that allows y'all to make clean upwardly your estimator. To access it, you can do the post-obit:

Google Chrome will search your computer for whatsoever harmful software, processes, or corrupted settings and make clean them upwards. One time information technology'south done, we recommend that you restore settings to their original defaults. As y'all can surmise from the above epitome, yous can access that option from the Reset and clean upward category.


To restore Firefox to its original settings, do the following:

  • Run Firefox
  • Type about:back up into the address bar and hit Enter
  • Click on the Refresh Firefox…
  • Click on Refresh Firefox on the warning dialog

This should restore Firefox to its default country, and in plow, it should fix the about:page upshot. Web browsers such equally Vivaldi require you to manually delete or rename the data binder to restore it to its default settings. If y'all desire to restore Vivaldi to its default settings, do the following:

  • Make sure that Vivaldi is closed
  • Open the Windows Run dialog (Winkey + R)
  • Blazon %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Vivaldi into the text field
  • Click on the OK button
  • Rename the User Information folder to User Data_Backup

Note: You can move the information folder to another location or completely delete it if you're perfectly comfortable with losing all your settings for your browser.

Nosotros besides recommend updating or completely reinstalling your web browser. This will ensure that you have the latest stable version of your browser with the latest bug fixes.

How to Modify Your Habitation/Offset Page To/From the Most Bare Folio

Afterwards y'all've scanned your calculator for malware and reset your browser, yous may nonetheless come across the about:blank page as your home or start page. On the other hand, perchance you desire to alter your home or start page to the about:blank page. Since each browser works differently, each will require different steps:

Google Chrome

  • Run Google Chrome
  • Click on the Hamburger push on the height correct-hand corner (⋮)
  • Click on Settings
  • Select On startup from the correct-hand panel
  • Choose one of the available three options

If you want to set the about:bare folio as your default startup page:

  • In the On startup category, select Open up a specific folio or set of pages
  • Click on add new page
  • Type near:blank into the Site URL text field on the Add a new page dialog
  • Click on the Add Push button

 If you want to set the about:blank page as your domicile page, do the following:


With Firefox, it's fifty-fifty easier:

Note: To set your homepage and new windows every bit the nearly:blank page, simply select Bare Page from the drop-downward menu. It works the same for new tabs.

Since browsers like Opera and Vivaldi are Chromium-based, they piece of work similarly to Google Chrome. Y'all tin can adjust and utilize the same steps to them.

What Is About:blank#blocked When I Open A Png Document,


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