
Here's How Black Employees at Apple and Amazon Rate Their Job Satisfaction

Black employees at meridian U.s.a. companies are, on average, less satisfied at piece of work than their not-Black counterparts, according to a new report from Glassdoor. Ane notable exception: Apple.

Glassdoor reviewed scores for 28 companies that had ratings from at least xv Black employees, including Amazon, Apple, AT&T, and Verizon. It found that job satisfaction among Black workers was lower at 11 of the 28 compared to their non-Black coworkers. When comparing Black employees' ratings to Glassdoor'due south overall company averages, which include people of all races, job satisfaction for Black employees was lower than anybody else at 21 of the 28 companies.

Glassdoor notes that "this shows how workplace experiences are varied for Black or African American workers—there is no single 'Blackness or African American experience at work' and every company is dissimilar." Information technology's also early days for Glassdoor'due south demographic analysis; information technology simply started collecting this information last fall, so averages "may not reverberate patterns in the full workforces at these employers," it says.

Amongst meridian-rated employers, "Apple had the highest overall visitor rating" from Black employees with a 4.ii out of 5, Glassdoor says. That'due south viii% higher than the 3.9 rating from Apple employees who do not identify as Black, though only 16 Black Apple employees rated the visitor. Apple's overall Glassdoor score is 4.3.

Amazon had 69 responses from Black employees, who gave it a 3.2 satisfaction score. The average rating from non-Black employees is iii.iii; overall score from everyone is iii.9.

AT&T had 44 responses for a score of 3.3 from Black employees. The lowest-scoring company is non a tech giant; it'south Macy'southward at 2.7 based on 29 ratings from Blackness employees. Other tech companies on the list include Comcast (3.ii), IBM (, and Verizon (three.five).

Glassdoor itself only classified three of the 28 companies on its list every bit being in the "big tech" space, though information technology didn't specify which ones (Apple, Amazon, and IBM, probably). "This is partly due to underrepresentation by Black or African Americans in tech," according to Glassdoor. "For instance, according to the U.South. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Blackness and African Americans deemed for just ix% of workers in information applied science occupations in 2022, despite making upward almost 13% of the U.s. workforce."

Some other factor: nigh major United states tech employers had insufficient information on Glassdoor from Blackness or African American employees to exist included in today'due south report, Glassdoor says.

"While these new data on Glassdoor ratings by race/ethnicity are preliminary, they already reveal of import differences in the lived employee experiences past people of unlike race and ethnic groups in America," Glassdoor says. "Our analysis shows a powerful new way to employ anonymous employee ratings data to offering an within look into what's really going at companies according to those who know best—the employees—while also measuring progress, or lack thereof, in company multifariousness and inclusion commitments."

To see how your office or a prospective employer ranks, Glassdoor at present lets you filter reviews by race/ethnicity, gender identity, parental or caregiver status, inability, sexual orientation, and veteran status.

"For case, people can see and compare how Black employees at a company rate their company's culture or career opportunities, how LGBTQ+ employees rate senior leadership at a visitor, or what the average salary is for those who identify equally female, male or not-binary in a particular part," co-ordinate to Glassdoor.

About Chloe Albanesius


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