
best modern law firm website designer

Modern Law Firm Web Design: How Much Should It Cost? Modern Law Firm Web Design: How Much Should It Cost? Modern Law Firm Web Design: How Much Should It Cost? Paradigm Marketing and Design

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Modern Law Firm Web Design: How Much Should It Cost?

Author: Rachel Durkan Category: Web Design Date: December 27, 2019

A close-up shot of a wooden judge gavel on a laptop keyboard

If you're a lawyer, you certainly understand that your law firm's credibility and reliability are priceless. Those are two of the most sought-after characteristics in any lawyer or law firm, and as you work on your law firm web design, those are exactly the same characteristics your visitors want to see conveyed through your online presence.

Most modern law firm websites are practical first and foremost. Functionality comes first, both in terms of design and content, and this is done to convey a sense of efficiency. Visitors realize right away that they can quickly and easily find the information they need with no nonsense standing in the way. A good law firm website design will set the stage for this type of trust and credibility, with the ultimate goal of turning your visitors into clients.

So, let's cut to the chase. Knowing all of this, the natural first question is always: How much does a law firm website cost? We understand the importance of this question, but unfortunately, there isn't a simple answer. There are so many factors that go into determining the final cost of a law firm web design. But we can give you some insight into how those costs are usually determined.

How Law Firm Web Design Is Billed

It's important to understand that not every modern web design firm charges for law firm website design in the same way. Some set a flat rate, while others offer an hourly rate or a per-page rate.

How Much Does a Law Firm Website Cost?

The cost of designing your law firm's website will depend on a number of factors. Some of the most common cost-contributing factors for law firm web design are:

  1. The size of your law firm's website. How many pages do you have in your site map or outline? A site with just a handful of pages will cost a lot less to design than one with dozens or even hundreds of pages.
  2. Whether it is a new or existing site. Are you asking your website designer to build a brand-new website from scratch, or are you simply looking to improve upon your existing website? Having something to build off of can help keep costs down.
  3. Whether you have already written the content for your site. Do you have all of the website content ready to go, or do you need to hire someone to write it for you? Going the DIY route on this one can save you lots of money in writers' fees.
  4. The amount of customization you want on your site. Can your website designer work off of their library of law firm web design templates, or are you envisioning a site with lots of custom features? Custom coding is complicated, and developers can charge a premium for their services.
  5. The goals of your site after launch. Are you planning to launch it and forget it, or will you require additional marketing services? Engaging your design and marketing firm to help with things like inspiration for law firm SEO strategies – which will help your new, credible website get found – can add an additional layer of cost to the project but will also increase the value of the site exponentially.

At the end of the day, the total cost of designing a new website for your law firm is going to depend on lots of factors; but having a modern web design that shows off your credibility as a firm is undoubtedly worth the investment.

If you have any questions, or if you are ready to begin the process of building a new site for your firm, contact Paradigm Marketing and Design today to schedule a consultation with one of our design experts.

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best modern law firm website designer


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